Whats New
Import V-Ray® scenes, bake lighting, and render from Unreal.
Explore your V-Ray scenes in real-time. Render high-quality lightmaps for light baking. And render photorealistic, ray-traced images and animation. All with V-Ray for Unreal.
Whats New?
Chaos V-Ray Solo - Annual
Chaos V-Ray Premium - Annual
Chaos V-Ray Enterprise - Annual
V-Ray Education-Annual

GPU+CPU Rendering
Render on all your hardware — with support for CPUs, NVIDIA GPUs, or a combination of both.

Distributed Rendering
Leverage the power of multiple machines working together to speed up rendering and light baking.

Rendering Animation
Render sequences from the Unreal Sequence Editor to create V-Ray-quality, ray-traced animated cinematics.
To render deforming objects, use animated V-Ray Proxy objects.

Render Elements
Supports a wide range of render elements for better control in compositing.

V-Ray Light Baking
Bake your ray-traced lighting with V-Ray for the highest quality real-time illumination.
Supports static objects.

Accurate Lighting
Render your Unreal scenes with physically accurate, ray-traced lighting from V-Ray.

Global Illumination
Render realistic bounced light using V-Ray’s Brute force and proprietary Light cache global illumination.

Light mixing
Fine-tune the lights in your scene — even after you’ve rendered. With the Light Mix render element, you can interactively adjust the brightness and color of any light without rendering again.

Physical Materials & Translation
Automatically converts V-Ray materials to approximate Unreal materials. Original V-Ray materials are used when rendering.

Coat material layer
Support for Coat is added to easily achieve polished or lacquered finishes.

V-Ray Proxy Support
Load high-resolution assets at render time using memory-efficient V-Ray Proxy objects.

Unreal Foliage Support
Compatible with Unreal’s native foliage system for rendering large environments and landscapes.
Currently supports static foliage.

Initial support for Skeletal Meshes
Animated Skeletal meshes are now rendered and updated during interactive rendering, enabling high-quality animations directly from the Sequencer.
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