Whats New
Model your vision down to the last detail
3ds Max offers a rich and flexible toolset to create premium designs with full artistic control.
- Create massive worlds in games
- Visualize high-quality architectural renderings
- Model finely detailed interiors and objects
- Bring characters and features to life with animation and VFX
Whats New?
3ds Max 2024 Annual Subscription
3ds Max 2024 Three Years Subscription


Spline workflows
Can create and animate geometry in several intuitive ways with enhanced spline tools.

Open shading language support
Can create or use pre-existing procedural OSL maps with any supported renderer.

Chamfer modifier
Create best in-class procedural edge modeling details with simple précised tools.

Character animation and rigging tools
Create procedural animation and character rigging with CAT, biped, and crowd animation tools.

Activeshade viewport
An interactive rendering experience that allows you to see your scene in a near-final rendering quality as you’re working.

Arnold for 3ds Max
Use Arnold GPU Renderer to view scene changes in real time, including lighting, materials, and camera.
Additional Files

362,31 KB

524,63 KB

171,14 KB