Photoshop Architectural Post production
Course Information
Adobe Photoshop CC
is the most powerful graphic design (bitmap-based) program for editing, manipulating, compositing, enhancing and retouching images in a professional way to achieve reality and creative results, also create
new graphics from scratch for printed and digital media and social media marketing
هو أقوى تصميم جرافيك (برنامج يستند إلى صورة نقطية) لتحرير الصور ومعالجتها وتركيبها وتعزيزها وتنقيحها بطريقة احترافية لتحقيق الواقع والنتائج الإبداعية ، وإنشاء رسومات جديدة من البداية للوسائط المطبوعة والوسائط الرقمية والتسويق الاجتماعي
In this course students will learn about the program Adobe Photoshop. and the Type of the files that deal with and then identify the interface of the program next explain the tools of the program and the techniques used. Then develop their skills in editing, modifying and changing the images and using the appropriate filters, in addition to learning colors theory, units of measurement, types and extensions of images, then start the creation of designs from scratch posters for the purposes of printing and posters and integration, and the creation of unrealistic images in professional ways to reach the final stage of creative creative designs , Then find out how to store files and export types of files.
في هذه الدورة سيتعرف الطلاب على برنامج الفوتوشوب وطبيعة الملفات التي يتعامل معها البرنامج ثم التعرف على واجهة برنامج وثم شرح لأدوات البرنامج وتقنيات استخدامها . ثم تطوير مهاراتهم في التحرير والتعديل والتغيير في الصور واستخدام الفلاتر المناسبة، اضافة لمعرفة انماط الالوان ووحدات القياس وانواع وامتدادت الصور ، ثم البدء انشاء تصاميم من الصفر من بوسترات لغايات التوسيق والطباعة وبوسترات للدمج وانشاء صور غير واقعية بطرق احترافية للوصول في المرحلة النهائية لعمل تصاميم ابداعية احترافية،ثم معرفة طرق تخزين الملفات وانواع التصدير للملفات.
Graphic Designers Beginners.
Designers want to prepare for Certified Exam (Adobe Certified Associated)
Any one wants to learn how to edit or retouch images
مصصمو الجرافيك
مصوري الفوتوغراف
من لديه طموح في اجتياز امتحان شهادة ادوبي
هواة تحرير الصور و تعديلها –
- Module 1: Getting to know the work area
- Workspace basics
- Home screen
- Workspace overview
- Usability features
- Hide or show all panels
- Display panel options
- Reconfigure the Tools panel
- Manage windows and panels
- Rearrange, dock, or float document windows
- Dock and undock panels
- Move panels
- Add and remove panels
- Manipulate panel groups
- Stack floating panels
- Resize panels
- Collapse and expand panel icons
- Prevent accidental panel moves with Lock
- Save and switch workspaces
- Display or switch workspaces
- Restore a saved workspace arrangement
- Module 2: Image and Color basics
- How to resize images
- Image essentials
- Image size and resolution
- Create, open, and import images
- View images
- Module 3: Working with selections
- About selecting and selection tools
- Getting started
- Using the Quick Selection tool
- Moving a selected area
- Manipulating selections
- Using the Magic Wand tool
- Selecting with the lasso tools
- Rotating a selection
- Selecting with the Magnetic Lasso tool
- Selecting from a center point
- Resizing and copying a selection
- Cropping an image
- Module 4: Layers Basics
- About layers
- Getting started
- Using the Layers panel
- Rearranging layers
- Applying a gradient to a layer
- Applying a layer style
- Adding an adjustment layer
- Updating layer effects
- Adding a border
- Flattening and saving files
- Module 5: Image Adjustments
- Perspective warp
- Healing brush examples
- Understand color adjustments
- Module 6: Image repair and restoration
- Remove objects from your photos with Content
- Aware Fill
- Content-Aware Patch and Move
- Retouch and repair photos
- Correct image distortion and noise
- Module 7: Mask and Channels
- Working with masks and channels
- Using Select and Mask
- Creating a quick mask
- Manipulating an image with Puppet Warp
- Using an alpha channel to create a shadow
- Module 8: Text
- Work with OpenType SVG fonts
- Format characters
- Format paragraphs
- How to create type effects
- Edit text
- Line and character spacing
- Module 9: Vector drawings techniques
- About bitmap images and vector graphics
- About paths and the Pen tool
- Drawing with the Pen tool
- Working with defined custom shapes
- Importing a Smart Object
- Adding color and depth to a shape using layer Styles
- Module 10: Filter and effects
- Use the Liquify filter
- Use the Blur Gallery
- Filter basics
- Filter effects reference
- Add Lighting Effects
- Use the Adaptive Wide Angle filter
- Module 11: Painting with mixer brush
- About the Mixer Brush
- Selecting brush settings
- Mixing colors
- Creating a custom brush preset
- Mixing colors with a photograph
- Module 12: Editing Video
- About the Timeline panel
- Creating a new video project
- Animating text with keyframes
- Creating effects
- Adding transitions
- Adding audio
- Muting unwanted audio
- Rendering video
- Module 13: Working with Camera view
- About camera raw files
- Processing files in Camera Raw
- Applying advanced color correction
- Module 14: Saving and Exporting
- Supported file formats
- Save files in graphics formats
- Save images
- File formats
- Save and export video and animations
- Save PDF files