Maximize your 0 3dMax & Vray Skills
Course Information
3D modeling tools, rendering, and visualization
3ds Max® Design software provides a comprehensive 3D modeling, animation, and rendering solution used by architects, designers, civil engineers, and visualization specialists. Validate and sell designs before they are built, and get rapid iteration of designs, accurate daylight analysis, and high-impact visuals and animations.
في هذه الدورة سوف يتعرف الطالب و باسلوب تفاعلي على البرنامج و يتعلم خلالها كيفية رفع المباني الخارجية و الديكور الداخلي و كيفية اكسائها بالمواد و ووضع الاضائات بمكانها الصحيح لتحاكي الواقع. و كيفية اخراجها بواسطة مقبس الفيراي بشكل احترافي يلبي طموح طالب الدورة.
يحصل الطالب على شهادات دولية من :
Autodesk & chaosgroup
Students will learn how to create 3D model For an Interior and Exterior Scenes by importing plans & Elevations from AutoCAD. The 3D models include traditional buildings like Villas and multi floors buildings. The Students MUST Apply Projects Both in Lecture & At home. Students will learn how to render the 3D model For an Interior or Exterior Scene Using Photo Realistic Vray Renderer from Chaos Group. The Rendering Process requires applying different techniques of lighting and Vray materials. Student must apply 3 projects one exterior scene and 2 interior scenes in this course during lectures and at home.
To enhance the student knowledge with advanced techniques in 3d max Organic modeling to create organic buildings towers, 3Dmodels with twisted & curved surfaces. The student also learns advanced Vray techniques .Finally the Students should use Adobe photoshop for post-production, And Create 3D Animation to present or visualize the whole project.
For Architects and interior designers.
AutoCAD basic skills required
Window basic skills
Manual design skills
Good engineering background
للمهندسين المعماريين
طلاب الهندسة المعمارية
لمهندسي التصميم الداخلي
طلاب التصميم الداخلي
- Introduction to 3ds max interface
- Controlling the Views
- Selection tools & methods
- Transforming Tools
- 2D editing most important issues in 3Dsmax
- Extrude Modifier : Converting 2D shapes & plans to 3D models
- Basic Editable Poly options
- Applying interior Project
- Lathe & bevel Modifiers
- Using Compounds
- Applying Exterior Project on All the Course previous subjects including by
- importing plans & elevations from AutoCAD to create a Final 3D model for exterior Scene
- Standard Lighting Using Omni light & Spot light
- Render Scene Testing Settings & Global Illumination in Vray
- Setting up Day lighting for an Exterior Scene
- Using HDRI images for GI Environment & adding Background
- Material Editor general Settings
- Vray material Diffuseوreflection & Glossiness,refraction,Bump, Opacity channels
- Using maps in Vray Material
- Applying An Exterior Project In Day Light & final Render Settings
- Setting up Day lighting for an Interior Scene With testing Render Settings
- Using Vray Light in an interior Day light Scene
- merging furniture with VRay materials to the interior scene
- Vray- Arch shaders materials
- Applying An Interior Project In Day Light & final Render Settings
- Setting up Artificial lighting for an Interior Scene With testing Render Settings
- Photometric lights & IES lights
- Creating Hidden light using VRay lights
- Creating spot lights
- More On Editable Poly
- Basic Organic modeling issues
- 3D Animation Basics
- Creating a Camera Animation
- Rendering An Animation

Diala Abu Sha'ar
Arwa Ghareeb

Reem Qinou