The Autodesk Certified Professional ACP
is designed for professionals and students who want to advance beyond the Autodesk Certified User. This credential is for those who possess more advanced skills and can solve complex challenges in workflow and design. ACP is the logical credential for advanced and professional Autodesk software users who possess at least 400 hours of real-world Autodesk software experience. Certification at the Professional level demonstrates a skill set that ensures certified individuals stand out as they pursue career advancement. Becoming an Autodesk Certified Professional can lead to accelerated career development, improved productivity, and enhanced credibility.
تم تصميم Autodesk® Certified Professional (ACP) للمحترفين والطلاب الذين يرغبون في التقدم إلى ما بعد مستخدم Autodesk Certified user. هذا الامتحان لأولئك الذين يملكون مهارات أكثر تقدما ويمكنهم حل التحديات المعقدة في سير العمل والتصميم. ACP هو لمستخدمي برنامج Autodesk المتقدم والمهني الذين يمتلكون 400 ساعة على الأقل من تجربة برامج Autodesk الحقيقية. تثبت الشهادة على المستوى المهني مجموعة من المهارات التي تضمن أن الأفراد المعتمدين يبرزون وهم يسعون إلى التقدم الوظيفي. الهدف من شهادة Autodesk Certified Professional هو التطوير الوظيفي ، وتحسين الإنتاجية ، وتعزيز المصداقية.
Exam Roadmap
- Module 1: Draw and Organize Objects
- Create advanced drawing objects
- Select and organize objects
- Manage layers
- Apply advanced object snaps
- Control the User Coordinate System (UCS)
- Module 3: Advanced Editing Functions
- Control Rotate and Scale options
- Apply Array techniques
- Control Trim and Extend options
- Apply Offset options
- Offset and mirror objects
- Apply Offset options
- Apply Fillet and Chamfer options
- Module 4: Advanced Layouts, Printing, and Alternative Outputs
- Create and manage layouts and viewports
- Manage output formats
- Module 5: Annotation Techniques
- Apply markup tools
- Manage Hatch or Fill options
- Format text and tables
- Adjust multileaders
- Create and edit annotation with advanced dimensioning techniques
- Apply annotative properties and styles
- Module 6: Reusable Content and Drawing Management
- Create blocks and apply attributes
- Control external reference and underlay files
- Access and apply content resources
- Perform file maintenance with drawing utilities

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